Oito de Maio de 2018 - Terça-feira - O Planeta regente do dia é Marte - O Sol está no signo de Touro e a Lua está no signo de Aquário na sua fase Minguante. Na Alquimia do dia temos os elementos: Fogo, Terra e Ar. Para uma boa colheita é necessário planejamento.
Hoje é celebrado o Festival da Mente, deusa romana da inteligência e da espirituosidade.
A Carta de hoje é o Arcano Maior - IV O Imperador - do Tarot Numerológico de Richard Bennett de Lavigerie, impresso por Baptiste Paul Grimaud, France Cartes, France, 1986.
O Tarot de Marseille associado a Numerologia, faz uma boa parceria, como também com a Astrologia.
O número quatro é trabalho. Mas aquele trabalho arduamente, sem descanso e sem muito rendimento, aonde dizemos quem muito trabalha, não tem tempo para ganhar dinheiro, é verdade.
O Imperador segue as tradições e as leis da Terra, do seu instinto, das suas regras e do que ele considera como bom para si, portanto deve ser para o outro. O signo atribuído à este Arcano é Áries, com o Planeta Marte como regente. Com esse homem não se brinca.
O Princípio masculino concretizador é simbolizado por um homem maduro, com barba branca comprida, sentado em seu trono, segurando o seu cetro na mão direita e o seu escudo tem uma águia (simbolizando a sua visão alargada de possibilidades) está no chão.
Ele detém a força criadora e demonstra ser um regente que usa a inteligência e a estratégia para governar. O seu poder está baseado nas leis dos homens, o poder de viver e morrer.
O aprendizado deste Arcano está em conduzir e em aceitar ser conduzido, algumas escolhas precisam de disciplina e de muita determinação interna para concretizá-las.
O Imperador trabalha para chegar a desejada estabilidade financeira, realizar seus sonhos dos mais simples aos mais ousados.
Qual é o seu sonho? Quando pretende concretizá-lo?
Que tal você hoje dar o primeiro passo para torná-lo realidade...
Que as energias construtivas de Martes façam parte da nossa jornada de hoje!
Deborah Jazzini
Membro Honorário da Casa de Tarot de Lisboa
Livros: O Pulo do Gato e Na Rota do Tarô à venda em @simbolika.
Consultas, cursos e eventos: + 55 11 99850.7946 com Whatsapp.
+ 55 11 3571.6750 - São Paulo
Instagram: @dehjazzini @narotadotarot @tarotparamulheres
Twitter: @dehjazzini Tumblr: Deborah Jazzini
Google +: Deborah Jazzini Myspace: Deborah Jazzini
#terça #tarot #imperador #solemtouro #consultasdetarot #cursosdetarot #mapaastral #luaminguante #astrology #luaemaquario #autoconhecimento #autoestima #foco #marte #determinação #trabalhointerno #reconhecimento #prosperidade #mission #oracle #proteção #receptividade #reconectar #tranquilidade #seubrilho #distração #reinventar #followme
In English
Eight of May 2018 - Tuesday - The ruling planet of the day is Mars - The Sun is in the sign of Taurus and the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius in its Waning phase. In the Alchemy of the day we have the elements: Fire, Earth and Air. For a good harvest, planning is necessary.
Today is celebrated the Festival of the Mind, Roman goddess of intelligence and wit.
Today's Letter is the Major Arcanum - IV The Emperor - from Richard Bennett's Numerological Tarot of Lavigerie, printed by Baptiste Paul Grimaud, France Cartes, France, 1986.
The Tarot de Marseille associated with Numerology, makes a good partnership, as well as with Astrology.
Number four is work. But that hard work, without rest and without much income, where we say who works hard, does not have time to make money, it's true.
The Emperor follows the traditions and laws of the Earth, his instinct, his rules, and what he considers to be good for himself, so it must be for the other. The sign assigned to this Arcane is Aries, with Planet Mars as regent. He does not play with this man.
The male concretizing Principle is symbolized by a mature man with a long white beard sitting on his throne holding his scepter in his right hand and his shield has an eagle (symbolizing his broad view of possibilities) is on the ground.
He holds the creative power and shows himself to be a ruler who uses intelligence and strategy to govern. Its power is based on the laws of men, the power to live and die.
The learning of this Arcane is in leading and accepting to be led, some choices need discipline and a lot of inner determination to realize them.
The Emperor works to achieve the desired financial stability, to realize his dreams from the simplest to the most daring.
What's your dream? When do you want to achieve it?
How about you today take the first step to make it a reality ...
May the constructive energies of Tuesday be part of our journey today!
Deborah Jazzini
Honorary Member of the Tarot House of Lisbon
Books: The Cat's Leap and On the Tarot Route for sale at @simbolika.
Consults, courses and events:
+ 55 11 99850.7946 with Whatsapp.
+ 55 11 3571.6750 - São Paulo
Instagram: @dehjazzini @narotadotarot @tarotparamulheres
Twitter: @dehjazzini Tumblr: Deborah Jazzini
Google +: Deborah Jazzini Myspace: Deborah Jazzini
#terça #tarot #imperador #solemtouro #consultasdetarot #cursosdetarot #mapaastral #luaminguante #astrology #mooninaquarius #autoconhecimento #autoestima #foco #marte #determination #workinternal #recognition #prosperity #mission #oracle # protection #receptivity #reconnect #levelness #seubrilho # distraction #reinvent #followme
#terça #tarot #imperador #solemtouro #consultasdetarot #cursosdetarot #mapaastral #luaminguante #astrology #luaemaquario #autoconhecimento #autoestima #foco #marte #determinação #trabalhointerno #reconhecimento #prosperidade #mission #oracle #proteção #receptividade #reconectar #tranquilidade #seubrilho #distração #reinventar #followme
In English
Eight of May 2018 - Tuesday - The ruling planet of the day is Mars - The Sun is in the sign of Taurus and the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius in its Waning phase. In the Alchemy of the day we have the elements: Fire, Earth and Air. For a good harvest, planning is necessary.
Today is celebrated the Festival of the Mind, Roman goddess of intelligence and wit.
Today's Letter is the Major Arcanum - IV The Emperor - from Richard Bennett's Numerological Tarot of Lavigerie, printed by Baptiste Paul Grimaud, France Cartes, France, 1986.
The Tarot de Marseille associated with Numerology, makes a good partnership, as well as with Astrology.
Number four is work. But that hard work, without rest and without much income, where we say who works hard, does not have time to make money, it's true.
The Emperor follows the traditions and laws of the Earth, his instinct, his rules, and what he considers to be good for himself, so it must be for the other. The sign assigned to this Arcane is Aries, with Planet Mars as regent. He does not play with this man.
The male concretizing Principle is symbolized by a mature man with a long white beard sitting on his throne holding his scepter in his right hand and his shield has an eagle (symbolizing his broad view of possibilities) is on the ground.
He holds the creative power and shows himself to be a ruler who uses intelligence and strategy to govern. Its power is based on the laws of men, the power to live and die.
The learning of this Arcane is in leading and accepting to be led, some choices need discipline and a lot of inner determination to realize them.
The Emperor works to achieve the desired financial stability, to realize his dreams from the simplest to the most daring.
What's your dream? When do you want to achieve it?
How about you today take the first step to make it a reality ...
May the constructive energies of Tuesday be part of our journey today!
Deborah Jazzini
Honorary Member of the Tarot House of Lisbon
Books: The Cat's Leap and On the Tarot Route for sale at @simbolika.
Consults, courses and events:
+ 55 11 99850.7946 with Whatsapp.
+ 55 11 3571.6750 - São Paulo
Instagram: @dehjazzini @narotadotarot @tarotparamulheres
Twitter: @dehjazzini Tumblr: Deborah Jazzini
Google +: Deborah Jazzini Myspace: Deborah Jazzini
#terça #tarot #imperador #solemtouro #consultasdetarot #cursosdetarot #mapaastral #luaminguante #astrology #mooninaquarius #autoconhecimento #autoestima #foco #marte #determination #workinternal #recognition #prosperity #mission #oracle # protection #receptivity #reconnect #levelness #seubrilho # distraction #reinvent #followme
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